Sales Portfolio
The “100 WAYS” SALES PORTFOLIOS focuses on the wide variety of printable media available showcasing 50 different pages of hi-quality media to allow the salesperson to sell & specify the proper solution. Every common material is shown, including laminating films & specialty items. It represents the type of material YOU SELL! The pages do not specify whose brand, but we have included a spreadsheet file for you, the dealer, to enter your favorite recommendations. Remember its about helping them sell more…not about whose material it is…(except for the fact they should be buying it from you)
How it helps you
- Instantly Get Customers Excited – Amaze everyone with digital print and cut
- Establish Credibility, Look Professional – Show excellent high quality samples
- Explain ‘print-cut’ with Confidence – Educate customers quick and easily
- Explore the “100 WAYS” they can profit – Overwhelm them with the possibilities
- Show Why you’re Different – How you’re going to teach them to succeed
- Convince them to buy from you – – Their returning business is important
- Maintain Profitable Margins – Allows you to justify proper component pricing
- Accelerate the Sales Process – Sell more, in less time, at a higher profit
- Make Selling FUN & EASY! – The selling system is for you! Enjoy it!